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Classical Homeopathy

01 — Like Medicines treat Like Symptoms

From as far back as Hippocrates (460 - 370BC) it has been known that medicines that cause symptoms in the healthy can be used to treat similar symptoms in the sick

02 —Safe

Homeopathy is safe to use and complementary to your current health regime

03 — Fast

The right remedy can work extremely quickly and effectively

04 — Effective and Permanent

Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, said that Homeopathy is effective in its use and creates permanent results

05 — Family Friendly

Homeopathy can be used for all members of the family, even your furry friends

You deserve a chance for effective treatment

Homeopathy - Homeo (similar) opathy(treatment)

Using remedies that create symptoms in the healthy for those that are occurring in the sick

Want to know if homeopathy is right for you? Contact us for a free 15 minute health assessment